
Better Homes And Gardens 12 Cube Organiser Espresso

Follow these expert strategies to get you in the right frame of mind to declutter and organise your home.

Most of us have done it – decided we're going to have a good sort-out of an overladen bookcase or cupboard only to be so overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that we put it all back again. That's when frustration sets in – at how our home has ended up full of things we can't bear to part with, gradually contributing to a house so packed that we can't live in it as we'd like. But how have we allowed this to happen?

Perhaps we fear if we get rid of something, it will turn out that we needed the item all along, says decluttering expert Rachel Papworth of Green and Tidy. 'Or maybe we worry that it could be worth money so we hang onto it. Some of us have "eco guilt" and don't throw things away because we worry we're adding to the global rubbish mound. And we shouldn't underestimate sentimental attachment.'

Also, you may be the sort of person who finds it difficult to admit to a mistaken purchase – the skirt that won't zip up, the burger-maker that has never even been plugged in. In the current economic climate, we may worry about being able to afford to buy new things, so we cling on tight to what we have.

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Why have a clearout?

A decluttering session is more than just a big tidy-up. First, it's about being brave enough to get rid of things you no longer need. Secondly, it's about finding a new home for these items, whether you pass them on to charity or recycle through a network such as

And thirdly, as professional declutterers agree, it's about establishing a system so things don't build up again. 'Clutter is something that doesn't have a home. It can range from small piles around a house to overly full rooms you can't get into,' says Heather Matuozzo, head of the Hoarding Advisory Team at the Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers, and founder of Clouds End, a social enterprise working with hoarders. 'A lot of the people I work with say that they can't find a place for things, and that's why their clutter overwhelms them. What we must accept is that not everyone has good organisational skills. If you tend towards cluttering, you have to say to yourself, "I need to learn how to be more organised."'

Hoarder disorder

In serious cases this reluctance to deal with the sheer amount of stuff leads to psychological problems such as compulsive hoarding. 'Two behaviours characterise hoarding: acquiring too many possessions and difficulty getting rid of them,' says Nicky Lidbetter, who heads support organisation Anxiety UK. 'When these behaviours lead to enough clutter to disrupt or threaten a person's health or safety, or they cause distress, then hoarding becomes a disorder.'

But, as Heather points out, for most of us, 'Those untidy corners are our choice. When you tell yourself that you'll tidy those magazines tomorrow, you feel in control, even if you never get round to it. The tipping point is when you feel that you're no longer in control, when the clutter overwhelms your decision-making process.'

Take it step by step

So what's the best way to channel this decision-making process into a clutter-free home? 'Breaking the job down into small tasks so that you're confident you'll accomplish something is vital,' says decluttering expert Cherry Rudge of Rainbow Red.

This could mean starting with something as small as
a drawer, but avoid emotionally tough areas. If sorting out clothes that belonged to your late mother will be upsetting, start elsewhere, ideally somewhere obvious, so the results will motivate you. Don't be hard on yourself; if you haven't time to scan in all your photos, find a company, such as, to do it for you.

Don't flit from room to room – focus on the job in hand. A kitchen timer can be helpful; set it for 30 minutes or an hour and stick at your task until it pings. Set up a 'staging area' where you decide what to keep, donate and throw. This area should be in the hall, not in a room where you can close the door and forget about it all.

You could set a target of how many items to throw away. This can be good for involving children, who enjoy the 'countdown'. Aim to finish each task. 'As soon as you've decided what to discard, take it to where it's going,' says professional organiser Vicky Silverthorn of You Need A Vicky. 'Don't leave bags in the hall or by the door, as this just shifts the problem elsewhere.'

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Ordered shelving makes it easier to find what you're looking for

Cut clutter and save

If all this hasn't given you enough motivation, remember that these days we may not have the resources to move to a bigger house, so the need to streamline our homes is greater than ever. And,
as Cherry points out, 'Decluttering can save you money. On top of making something from items you can sell, you might, for example, be putting off having your boiler serviced because the room is so full of clutter that it's difficult to get to. If that's the case, you may be paying more for your gas bills than you should.'

At the same time clutter
can also result in us spending more money – we lose track
of receipts and vouchers, are forced to replace items we've 'mislaid' in the mess, and we end up buying storage we wouldn't need if we simply had fewer things to accommodate. So if you do take time out to declutter, it could be the best investment you'll ever make.

What to do with granny's vase…

Most of us have inherited an item that doesn't fit with our decor, style of home or taste. It might be a vase, a painting, a tea set or even a piano. As we've been left this by someone close, we often feel guilty about getting rid of it, but what's the best way to use it?

  • Think about grouping items together to make a feature of them. With vases or china, for example, you could choose several pieces of the same style, colour, theme or shape and arrange them as a focal point on a shelf (above).
    • Special pieces of fabric can be given a new lease of life; those old silk scarves could be turned into cushion covers –
see Revive and Reuse for more ideas.
* If a piece of jewellery isn't to your taste, have it remodelled into something that you do like.
      • If you really can't find a space or use for an item, take a photograph of it and then let it go. You could frame the photo and display it in a special place or keep it in a memory box.
        • Find someone who'll appreciate the item. You could donate paintings to a nursing home, or interesting pieces such as vintage household implements or wedding dresses to a museum, which will usually acknowledge them in your name.
          • If the heirloom is valuable, sell it and donate the proceeds to your relative's favourite charity. Or use the money to buy something special for you or your family – it could be a charm for a bracelet, a rose bush for the garden or even a holiday to a place that held a special meaning for your loved one.

            Essential declutter kit

            Gather everything before you start, then there's no excuse to stop

            • Heavy-duty bin liners
              •  Charity shop bags
                • Sticky tape/string
                  •  Scissors
                    • Tissues – for blowing your nose when it's dusty and wiping away the odd tear!
                      • Cleaning kit, such as a vacuum cleaner, surface wipes, a duster and polish for wiping out empty cupboards, drawers and wardrobes
                        • Timer to keep you focused
                          •  Bottle of water to stay hydrated and prevent distracting trips to the kitchen to make cups of tea
                            • Portable radio or iPod with uplifting music to motivate you
                              •  Coloured labels for labelling up bags with 'keep', 'throw' and 'donate'
                                •  Storage boxes, with and without lids, in a variety of shapes and sizes
                                  • Coat hangers for bedrooms, spare rooms and children's rooms
                                    • A 'maybe' box for things you're unsure about, to be stored in a loft, cupboard or cellar. This makes decluttering less painful as you can put off agonising decisions over items you simply can't bear to part with, such as baby clothes. Check the box after six months or a year, and then decide what to do with the contents
                                      • A box for children's mementos such as beloved toys, sports trophies and dance medals. Agree to keep the box for five years, then, when the time comes, go through it with your child and agree what you should keep.
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                                        Extendable clothes dryer, £140, Cox & Cox

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                                        Better Homes And Gardens 12 Cube Organiser Espresso


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