
How Do Farm Animals Effect Are Weather And Climate

logo for animal agriculture climate change which includes a weather vane with cow and topThe 1941 USDA Yearbook in Agriculture was titled "Climate and Man". All i,214 pages in the book focus on the interdependency of agriculture and humanity with weather and climate.  Even prior to the rise in global temperature seen in the latter half of the 20th century, information technology was understood that extreme atmospheric condition events needed to be planned for and managed.

Related: Animal agriculture and climate change

Not only are these extreme events predicted to become more common and more extreme, but a high human population is increasing demand for finite resources such as land and h2o.

Changes in atmospheric precipitation and temperature vary by region. In general the Us is seeing more precipitation and the timing and intensity of atmospheric precipitation is likewise changing. While global temperatures are increasing, it is the variability and intensity of temperatures that are of greatest upshot to animal agronomics.

Extreme weather events are expected to bear upon many areas of animal product.

  • Subcontract Inputs: Drought and heat tin devastate pastures or create hay and grain shortages which drive up prices. The same is true for wet and cool conditions. High temperature likewise likewise increases fauna water consumption.  This may occur at the same time there is limited h2o availability  – either recharge to aquifers or runoff to streams and rivers used to h2o livestock.
  • Animal Production: The bear on of heat and humidity on beast physiology is well documented. Extreme heat generally results in higher creature mortality, just, peradventure of greater concern is the important are the economic impacts to production  such every bit daily weight gain and feed conversion efficiency.Heat and humidity can likewise bear upon an fauna'south immune organisation making it more susceptible to disease and stress. In addition to straight effects on creature production, estrus, humidity, and wet drive pest and disease cycles. These changes tin be spatial, temporal or change the intensity of the outbreak.
  • Logistics: Many farm activities, such as moving feed to the farm, moving immature stock to the farm or product off the farm, feeding and watering animals, keeping animals comfortable, moving manure to the fields, etc. depend upon weather condition atmospheric condition Flooding creates problems for manure management (both overtopping of manure storages and state awarding). Flooding tin also have out roads and bridges which may bear on labor supply or moving feed or animals into or out of the farm. High temperatures may impact when animals can be fed or moved. Power outages often accompany these extreme events – calculation boosted direction challenges.
  • Subcontract Exports: Market pricing of produce (meat, milk, eggs) is always a challenge but is fifty-fifty more than of a challenge with unpredictable atmospheric condition. Drought or flooding will result in increased feed prices and mayhap a decrease in selling price of the farm products. The economic bear upon will depend on the geographic range and severity of the weather event.

It is articulate that at that place are economic impacts of heat and humidity on fauna agronomics (St. Pierre, 2003) using celebrated weather data. Current trends in weather offer an opportunity to reassess the impacts of weather on the many aspects of the farming enterprise. Site specific farm assessments are needed to evaluate the susceptibility of the farm from irresolute weather trends but must include a comprehensive picture of all the impacts weather and climate at the local, regional, national and global scale.

Educator Materials

If you would like to employ the video, slides, or factsheet for educational programs, delight visit the curriculum page for download links for this and other climate modify topics.

Recommended Resource

Manure Management

  • Climate alter impacts on dairy manure systems (video, 28 min, Czymmek)


  • USDA ARS Temperature Humidity Index (THI) forecast
  • Iowa Beefiness Center case study of a 1995 heat event that killed feedlot cattle



    • Heat Stress Dairy UMN
    • [fact sail] Economics of Heat Stress;


  • Global Warming: How Does Information technology Relate to Poultry? (Dunkley, UGA, 2011 – revised 2014)

General – Animals and Farming

  • Usa Drought Monitor
  • Agriculture in a Changing Climate (USDA Climate Hubs)
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resource Water Resources, and Biodiversity (USDA, 2008)
  • Agricultural Adaptation to a Changing Climate (USDA-ERS, 2012)


Writer: David Schmidt, University of Minnesota

This page was developed as office of a project "Animal Agriculture and Climatic change" an extension facilitation project to increase chapters for ag professionals. It was funded by USDA-NIFA under honour # 2011-67003-30206.


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